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Family Life Pastor David Banks

We believe that our children are not just "the church of tomorrow", but they are also the church of today!

Here at Millersburg Assembly of God, one of our primary concerns is ministering in a way that our children
have the Gospel presented to them on their level.

Our Children's Ministries all have a "check-in" process to make certain the kids are where they need to be at
all times and anyone who works with the kids (leaders and helpers) all pass background checks. We do all we
can to make sure the children are ministered to in a safe and effective learning atmosphere.

Royal Rangers & MPact Girls Clubs!
(Ministries Active During School Year – September-June)

For younger kids we offer 1 class
– Rainbows for Boys and Girls Age 3-5 not in Kindergarten

For Boys we offer Royal Rangers
– Ranger Kids for boys in K – 2nd Grade
– Discovery Rangers for boys in Grades 3 – 5

For Girls we offer Mpact Girls clubs
– Prims for girls in K – 2nd Grade
– Stars for girls in Grades 3 – 5